When you think of health and fitness, what are a few things you think about? Your workout, what you eat, recovery methods, getting in nature and maybe even meditation and breathing practices. But how often do you think of your cell phone and the effects it could be making on your body? Because body fat loss is a main concern in today’s society, I’d like to touch on some points to how the cell phone could be a big player in your progress of becoming leaner. And I’ll also add a few more downsides to the damaging effects of our phones.
Lets first dive into a few known ways body fat can be produce in the body:
-Too much exercise or improper forms of movement can cause too much inflammation in the tissue resulting in the reverse effect of burning fat. The body will accumulate fat to combat inflammation because fat holds nutrients that heal the body. Obviously we want some inflammation, in order for the muscle to adapt, but it’s finding the right balance that is key.
-Lack of quality sleep will raise cortisol levels from circadian rhythm and hormone disruption, resulting in the release of glucose which will raise blood sugar levels the next day.
-Too many foods/ingredients that can raise blood sugar levels. Anytime blood sugar is raised too high, the body releases insulin to combat your levels raising even higher. When the insulin and blood sugar interact, body fat is produced.
-Stress is a universal factor as we know that simply causes general weakness, low energy, damaged systems, and hormonal dysfunction. Fat plays an important role as an insolator and protector when the body is in this state and it will stay this way until you communicate to the cells otherwise.
The Cell Phone
First, I’d like to talk about pleasure and happiness and the hormones they release. Pleasure, which is defined as “this feels good, I want more” releases the hormone dopamine and happiness or contentment is defined as “this feels good, I don’t want or need anymore” which releases the hormone serotonin.
As we can observe all around us, humans are addicted to cell phones. It’s obviously clear. And we are addicted for a variety of reasons that don’t need explaining. Just walk into any social setting and you’ll find the majority of people on there phones or checking there phones every couple minutes. While on our phones or during those constant check ins for new texts or notifications, the body is signaling to the hormone dopamine which signals a “reward” from those notifications or new information.
Dopamine has a strong relationship with the release of the hormone insulin which as we read from the earlier in the article, high insulin directly effects our blood glucose levels. And what happens when our blood glucose levels rise? Body fat is produced. So imagined all those instances when we check for new “rewarding” information on the phone, we are getting a mini surge of domaine>insulin>blood glucose>body fat production. Not to mention, most of the time we are on our phones, we end of sitting down resulting in less movement and less energy output.
We don’t often think about it, but we can speak to the cells and signal to the hormones in many ways that we may not be aware of. The Primal Method wants you to think outside the box and question everything that strays from our ancestral roots of nature.
Other Damaging symptoms from high usage of cell phones:
-Brain inflammation from the effects of EMFs (electromagnetic fields)
-Retinal damage from the poor, unnatural background lightening
-Damage to the central nervous system from phone frequencies
-Structural damage due to poor positioning of the body, specifically the hands, neck and spine.
-Distancing humans from healthier social interaction
Some ways I combat my own cell phone use:
High fat diet as an insulator to cell phone frequencies
Grounding, which is connecting the body to the natural surface of the earth
Setting my background light on all electronics as low as possible or using a eye protective cover
Trying to check my phone less often throughout the day
Becoming more aware of my positioning while using the phone
Sun gazing for stronger eyes
Cold water therapy for central nervous system
I hope this was insightful and Stay Primal