Up until the industrial revolution, 70-80% of the human diet was consumed mostly of domestic animals and wild game, nourishing and fostering human evolution along with other wholesome unrefined foods. During that time period, we had stronger bodies, bigger brains and less disease.
After industrialization, there was an increase in population growth thus increasing the demand for the food supply.
This change created an opportunity for commercial farming. This way of farming was much different than grass fed farming. Animals were raised in poor environments, fed genetically modified foods, such as wheat, corn and soy and were at high risk of disease, such as E. Coli. These products were cheap and made the animals grow much larger than there natural weights.
These types of meats are massively effected because of their unhealthy diets. The animals can not digest these modified foods correctly causing the meat to be tainted. When we ingest this meat, we too create a chemical imbalance within the body robbing us of vitality and setting ourselves up for cardiovascular disease, obesity and inflammation to name a few. The chemical structure of the meat is altered because of the modified food the animal eats.
However, if you receive meats from a local farmer who raises their animals in the fields (not animal pens) with the inability to roam freely on just grass, the body will recognize this and provide us with the natural balance of fats and proteins that we’ve been physiologically primed to run on.
I buy all my meats at the farmers market from local farmers who raise the animals themselves.
I would say on average an appropriate amount of red meat for the week would be 3. meals. But listen to your body, it will let you know. I feel I can get away with more some weeks because my activity levels are high (workouts/ I stand for most of my day). On days after eating red meat, try to get more activity.
More importantly, I believe the amount within the meal also matters. If it’s grass fed, you don’t need as much to obtain the right amount of nutrients.
The Facts – Grass vs Grain
> 2-4 times higher in omega-3. People who eat diets rich in O-3 have lower rates of heart attack, depression, ADHD and Alzheimer’s.
>fat in the meat is entirely saturated fat showing benefits in helping cholesterol levels
>3-5 times higher in CLA, which reduces cancer tumor growth and increases lean body mass
>provides sharper minds, leaner bodies and smoother digestive system.
>fat in meat is easily oxidized polyunsaturated omega-6 which causes hormonal imbalances.
>dangerously high ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 ratio (14 to 1).. 4-1 is healthy.
>high risk of containing bacterial diseases, damaging immune system.
>fed poor quality GMO crop that is toxic
In conclusion, I believe some form of grass fed red meat should be included in your diet as it provides a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals that is not provided in many foods. It provides the most bang for your buck.